
Dragana Jovanovic Arijas, SIPRU Team Manager

Nevena Jeremic provided long term support in capacity building of our team. Her expertise had a crucial impact on development of management and leadership skills, as well as strategic positioning of the team and improvement of its cooperation with all relevant stakeholders. We especially value her approach in coaching, as it provides both constructive critic, concrete feedback and appreciation for individual and team potentials.

Dragan Odzaklijevic, CEO Company for intermediation in insurance ACB d.o.o. – Exclusive Corespondent AON in Serbia

It is often not easy for company managers to accept the fact that working to improve and develop human resources in an increasingly dynamic environment often outgrows a company’s business framework. Choosing a professional associate to work on these delicate tasks is an even more difficult task, in the sea of offers that companies receive every day.

The choice of ACB to improve not only the skills of managers, employees and playing teams, but also to make the organization of our company flexible and adaptable to change, in partnership with Nevena Jeremic has proved to be one of the best moves we have made in our business. Her professionalism, dedication, desire and willingness to constantly listen to the needs of ACB and through applying various knowledge and methods in practice to form and continuously improve our overall individual and team qualities have contributed to the fact that ACB today has the organization and the team which are unique in our market. Working with Nevena implies continuous interaction, extremely high-quality insights and suggestions, as well as, in the end, great satisfaction with the achieved results.

Gorana Golubovic Vuksanovic, Human Resources Manager – MAMA SHELTER, Serbia

Nevena’s unique pragmatic approach to individual coaching for managers at various levels in the organization, with an outspoken understanding of business, has contributed to many years of our business cooperation. Her focus is on finding the best solution for developing and improving skills and competencies for each individual. Each time she provided us with consulting services at the highest level. I personally remember literally every session I had with her.

Michele Castrogiovanni, Country Energy Services & Gas Manager, MOL GROUP ITALY

I started working with Nevena at an important moment in my professional life when I had to deal with a new multinational organization at a time when my group needed to regain direction, motivation and agility.
Subsequently in Italy we lived the Covid period with the relative lockdown and personally I was involved in a big company difficulty with the risk of huge damage for the company itself.

Nevena’s contribution was important in addressing all these commitments, concerns with confidence and determination by defining targeted action plans. Another element of great support was the serenity that Nevena was able to transmit to me, often offering me the cue for a different point of view.

Carmen Becker, Country Human Resources Manager, MOL GROUP ITALY

Working with Nevena during the most difficult year of my professional career so far meant learning to deep dive into my strengths, balance fear with progress, stepping forward into the unknown and facing challenges with courage and enthusiasm.

I am thankful for her constant guidance and coaching in helping me build resilience, maturity and mental health that surely paid off during managing COVID-19 outbreak in Italy, which has build a great confidence and boost in my ability to deal with VUCA lived for real as first European country experience as leader and parent pioneering this particular moment in history.

Very proud and thankful for having Nevena by my side!

Mirjana Golubovic, Head of Human Resources at TNation, Serbia

I had experience working with different coaches, but what happened to me recently working with Nevena was amazing. I can best describe it with the metaphor of a roller coaster.

First, she gently “pushed” me into the unknown, I went through all the temptations and strong emotions, faced myself and then she accepted me, gave me a hand to come down from the carousel different, stronger, wider, more acceptable to myself and others.

If you want to embark on the path of coaching, remember that the most important thing is who you have given your hand to guide you on that path.

Mirjana Starcevic, Owner “GLINKA“

Thanks to Nevena, I was able to set priorities and take a risk at a crucial moment to start a business – my startup! Her guidelines helped me turn a hobby into a business and build a brand. I am especially grateful that she actively monitored the development of my work, as well as my personal and professional development and pointed out to me in time the challenges and the need to hire associates.

Marija Jukic HR Administrator - Playrix Croatia / TA Practitioner

The experience of working with Nevena was not replaceable for me. Nevena is authentic, a great professional, with a lot of feelings for people and a multidisciplinary approach in leadership. Nevena helped me to realize my strengths and supported me in the most sensitive moments of my private and professional development.

With her help, I was encouraged to change my career direction, primarily through understanding how to integrate all the acquired skills and experience into a new job. This meant the necessity to firstly understand me and my own potentials, then desires and interests, and finally in relation to all that – to orientate myself professionally to a new direction in the career and private life.

Working through acceptance, understanding, expertise and sharing knowledge are just some of the descriptions of Nevena’s approach, which strengthen our skills and capacities for a better quality of life.

Nikola Lazic, Owner and CEO, Granit Invest

I have been working closely with Nevena since 2013. Looking back, I can say with all my heart that connecting and cooperating with Nevena is one of the best things that have happened to me – both professionally and personally.

Nevena’s commitment goes far beyond what is expected. With her help, solving demanding business situations is far easier and my personal progress and happiness are something that makes her sincerely happy.

I like to think that thanks to her, I stayed on the right path. I say this as the owner of a family business with a tradition of more than 40 years. I speak as someone who, thanks to working with Nevena, created a company that is recognized beyond the borders of our country.

She showed me that it is not necessary to have a lot of people in order to do great business, but it is important that the number of people that work – work as one.

Marija Skaljac, Owner&Director, Qube doo

I am a self-taught manager coming from an artistic background and I can’t imagine doing it without Nevena’s continuous help.
Nevena have worked with my team through workshops and consulting activities in past 5 years. She had helped us define the teams and choose team leaders inside the company. She did coaching inside the teams and with me, as a manager, separately. She has helped me to delegate the tasks and to create, swap, assign or develop different roles inside the team. She encouraged me to stop and think.

Her knowledge of group dynamics and of leadership styles is amazing. She was not following standards, but rather invented unique style that is customized to our needs. Her reports were always very detailed, with check points and timelines. I am still consulting with her whenever I have leadership issues or when extending the team.